Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan Labu
613m | 6 km | 3:12 hours
If you have ever travelled between Kuala Lumpur and Seremban than you would not have missed Bukit Galla. Bukit Galla is the prominent hill on the left side of the Seremban highway just as one approaches Seremban from Kuala Lumpur. It's located right behind the Seremban rest area. The hill can also be seen from the LEKAS highway or the old north-south trunk road, but on the right side if one is southbound.
It is supposedly 613m in height, and provided there is a clearing at the top, should offer good views of Sepang airport to the west, Kuala Lumpur to the north and Bukit Broga to the northeast. We weren't sure though if there were any marked tracks leading to the peak, but we took a chance and made the attempt.
613m | 6 km | 3:12 hours
If you have ever travelled between Kuala Lumpur and Seremban than you would not have missed Bukit Galla. Bukit Galla is the prominent hill on the left side of the Seremban highway just as one approaches Seremban from Kuala Lumpur. It's located right behind the Seremban rest area. The hill can also be seen from the LEKAS highway or the old north-south trunk road, but on the right side if one is southbound.
It is supposedly 613m in height, and provided there is a clearing at the top, should offer good views of Sepang airport to the west, Kuala Lumpur to the north and Bukit Broga to the northeast. We weren't sure though if there were any marked tracks leading to the peak, but we took a chance and made the attempt.